Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 Resolutions

I should be packing because I am flying back to Provo tomorrow, but I don't want to.
I have tons of resolutions for this year. I am done with school now, so this is all the stuff I have wanted to do for the past x years of my life but haven't and need to do before I have children and I don't have any time.

  • Read 50+ books. I have finished one, only 49 to go.
  • Make a quilt. Actually a few, but one is a good number to start.
  • Learn how to work Photoshop Elements.
  • Learn to be better at photography so I don't need to use Photoshop Elements that much. Maybe next year I could actually "book gigs" and get paid to photograph.
  • Lose xx pounds. I have a real number in mind but don't feel like sharing. This needs to be done by April for graduation.
  • Talk to one new person at church every week.
  • Try to attend at least 2 enrichment activities every month.
  • Cook dinner at least 4 times a week.
  • Make a scrapbook for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother's Day.
  • Take family names to the temple.
I think that is a good list to work on. I am excited for all of it, except maybe exercising. All of this stuff will get some blogtime, especially the photography and scrapbooking. I haven't don't it since September and am really behind.

Wish me luck!