Friday, May 27, 2011

My Guy

Today is Chris's 25th birthday. Welcome to old age! 
I've already done my 100 reasons why I love Chris. And they all still stand. 

Anyone who knows Chris knows that he is unique. He laughs a lot, makes funny faces at the camera and sings loudly in the shower. He is a grammarian, a great big brother, and a fantastic driver. He likes Dr. Pepper, Sour Patch Straws and Outback SteakHouse. He doesn't like waking up, the unknown, or crazy Republicans.

He is my eternal companion, my best friend, my biggest fan, and my favorite person. 
I have known him for 10+ years and he just keeps getting better. 
I am not great with words like he is. But I love him a lot. 

Happy Birthday Chris! I love you!


Symantha said...

Aw I love him and you and YOU GUYS TOGETHER.

Tammy said...

That is sweet. I am blessed to know both of you. And I agree, he is unique :) What great memoreis (of the good days) of SM. lol